Meet Panda

Me, a person with long hair wearing, smiling and laughing.

Hi, I'm Panda!

Who am I?

That's a big ques­tion. I'm a queer nerd. I as­pire to help make the world a bet­ter place. I have green eyes, freckles, and long hair - some­times a beard.

What do I like to do?

I have a few hob­bies. I like mak­ing things (usu­ally with web tech­no­lo­gies), play­ing board and role play­ing games, trav­el­ling and try­ing out new things, and do­ing ana­logue pho­to­graphy. I also en­joy listen­ing to mu­sic, hik­ing, mak­ing pizza, and brew­ing cof­fee.

What about my work?

I am an ex­per­i­enced soft­ware de­veloper with a broad range of skills. Take a look at my résumé if you're in­ter­ested in look­ing in more de­tail at my pro­fes­sion­al ex­per­i­ence.

Where can you find me?

I share most of the code for my per­son­al pro­jects on @Tick­leTh­eP­anda at Git­Hub. If you want to chat (I hope you feel you can do), you can find me at on Mas­to­don. Or you can use this form to con­tact me.

What do you I want to share with you?

These are my pro­jects I'd like to share with you. I share most things, no mat­ter their state, and I've high­lighted the ones I like the most.